I will gladly die protecting Mother Earth and YOU!
Founder of HELPPA.org 269-580-5393

I will gladly die protecting Mother Earth and YOU!
Watch a trailer. I went from Big Oil to Solar. I am PRO OIL and PRO SOLAR. I am against cover ups and poor clean ups.
This FREE film is only 5% of my footage and evidence.
Police were hired by big Oil to keep me and the press out.
Remember this is 7 years after the spill.
Costing Big Oil over 1 BILLION dollars and counting
Help John Bolenbaugh, HELPPA.org by joining #TeamJohnBolenbaugh and become a Big Oil Whistle Blower and a Water Protector
I know that what I am doing has saved lives and will save many more lives. I have just begun to expose corruption and cover ups of the highest levels.
As soon as I financially can afford to travel with my teammates. We will be going on a national tour. Currently I am editing dozens of videos to put on YouTube very soon.
Stopping Line 5 under the Great Lakes and the XL pipeline will be hard. And there are dozens more. I am trying to gather evidence so just maybe we can stop them.
KindleProject.org loves this project because... John Bolenbaugh’s selfless devotion to transparency and exposing dirty oil cover-up’s, makes him a champion whistle blower. John is a natural community organizer and mobilizer, tirelessly advocating for human and environmental health in the face of polluting industry.
What he has captured on video is undeniable. Bolenbaugh’s caustic style has made him a divisive figure among locals — a selfless hero to some, … crusader to others. Ted Genoways, OnEarth‘s editor-at-large, is a author and has won six National Magazine Award
Yet for the people of Marshall, Michigan, John Bolenbaugh may be the best chance they’ve got to hold a multinational corporation accountable for its ineptitude and arrogant disregard of their welfare. Scott Dodd is the editorial director of NRDC, which publishes OnEarth
I am confident that I am standing next to the right guy, because John did what was right. ” Michigan House of Repersentatives: Terrance Todd
John it’s Kenny from NJ radio and Occupy DC/Keystone XL demonstration at The White House. Chin up, buddy, you beat SET! It feels like you’re David fighting Goliath because you are. You do this because you are compelled to. Because your moral compass points in that direction. Because YOU CARE.
Galesburg residents voice opposition to oil lease proposed in city park
Michigan pipeline whistleblower John Bolenbaugh visits Mayflower
"Working side by side with John and his wife Courtney, I see him as a very honest, loving and dedicated father and husband. He works from sun up to sun down to take care of his children while at the same time juggling dozens of other tasks to expose corporate greed and water contamination world wide. I admire John Bolenbaugh's ethics and honesty to be as transparent as he can be from day one." I encourage everyone that has the ability to donate time or funds in helping him fight a good fight against big oil. Please join #teamjohnbolenbaugh and help us make our world a safer and healthier place to live for all future generations. Water Is Life!! Mni Wiconi!!
Bree Moore.
Jasmine Redfeather
John I fully support you and what you're doing and I'm willing to put my life on the line by your side.
Micheal N.
John Thank you for all you do. You are one of my heroes and I AM now looking into Independent Journalism. Yeshahy D.
What makes a man like John expose this while thousands before him keep quiet. I already know the answer. John has high levels of chemicals in the brain that produce empathy, it's also how he was raised, with high morals. Art K.
John Bolenbaugh you are a true American Hero. I shared this video on all social media platforms. Much Love & Respect from Florida.
Valarie J.
He inspires All people to be better. #EarthIsLife. it contains ALL the #WaterIsLife. It's a #BythePeopleMovement. He is a true Hero!!!
Mitch Allen
I now know from experience John is a man of integrity and Honor. John has spent countless hours exposing Enbridge corruption. His dedication to his community, to the State of Michigan and to this Nation is proof of his selfless service. John is a true red blooded American hero that loves his country and the people in it. John would do anything and everything for his fellow man. ”
Bolenbaugh IS a LIFE SAVER!!! Out taking time from his beautiful family, to help prove BIG OIL is a huge LIE!! ( on his dime mind you) I personally have worked with John, in Doon, Iowa and am beyond grateful he came and droned the TRUTH, despite law enforcement threats, in June. And he and Bree were just back to see if they are cleaning up like they said. Once again, John proved me correct and the clean up is a disaster. I'm PROUD to know John and be a part of #TeamJohnBolenbaugh � Mni Wiconi O'han
Michelle Johnson
You drew a line in the sand against a very big enemy. John you are the Alamo against the Mexican army. Hopefully you don’t have the same outcome. But you also can’t undo what you started… You already blew the whistle… Your videos are already out there… You can’t walk away from it. It’s not like you can quit halfway into the game. Ward Lawrence of the Kalamazoo County Sheriff's office
If doing the right thing makes you a crusader, for people to listen makes you a strong persuader. Nothing is easy going against big corruption, their deep pockets come from all our consumption. Fight as you must to do what you feel and don't ever trust them when they try to deal. The journey you're on John is a journey of Light, help will come to you as you advance in your plight. God calls on some people to do what He needs and while most people won't answer, YOU'RE planting seeds. You can bet God is watching you Brother, just as sure as I write. I know you didn't ask for this but you stepped up to fight. America owes you John, they just don't know it yet but the time will come soon for big oil to regret.
Adam C.
Hope they find something easily treatable for Johns illness. God bless you Courtney Bolenbaugh for being such an amazing wife. This has got to be so stressful and exhausting at times. You both are so appreciated and Loved. John you are a warrior!!
Ronda H.
My name is Robert Corr and beverages are my life, when I met John, I could feel his passion for the RIGHT THINGS TO DO ! I reached into my pocket and I only had fifty's for bills, so I gave him two for the cause of keeping him out there, looking out for all of us.. dig deep and send him cash..... be good and give until it feels great.
Bob C.
John, thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to the people in Michigan, to earth and all creations, as well to my own children.The sacrifices you make and chances you take by exposing this evil will benefit all of our children. Indifference will be the destruction of our children’s future and good people like you willing to stand up and fight will always have the support, prayers, respect and love of my family and the Ojibwe of Roseau River First Nation. Megwetch.
Regina Southwind
Brave brave man. John, this corporate greed and rule has to stop it takes people like you wish everybody who can and are in position to rise up too, praying for your safety, blessing from Sweden
Someone has to show what’s going on with oil spillls. Who better!
Donna Ralph
I have been so busy traveling the country that I am just now getting to edit my Standing Rock footage. Stay tuned for dozens of videos proving the theft of Tribal land again, and evidence proving police corruption that injured 300 people in one single night.
Justin is a friend and a true environmental warrior.
Justin will be overseeing the day to day operations with me. Justin is a huge asset to HELPPA.org
We are very thankful to have his knowledge and expertise.
100% of your donations go to fight Big Oil. I WORK FOR FREE. In 10 years I have NEVER taken a paycheck. Not one dime helps me pay my personal bills. It takes money to run an organization. To be effective against billion dollar oil companies we need YOUR SUPPORT.
I have spent every dime in my savings and from my personal job to fund this fight. Over $130,000 out of pocket so far. I can no longer fund this crusade out of my families personal income. I now have a wife and 3 children to support, so my personal income from my solar job needs to be used for family bills and not to fund helppa.org anymore. I work for free so that is my monthly donation to you. I need your help to do the needed things to make this world a better place and keep our water clean worldwide.
I am one man and this fight is to big. Look at what I have done by myself without funding. Now imagine what I can do with a team & funds for transportation to document spills, speaking at events to bring awareness and to hire staff.
CALL ME AN OPTIMIST. I believe that with your help we can save lives and protect our water.